Sunday, January 22, 2012

Lord Ganesh Brass Statue Sitting on Rat

Lord Ganesh Brass Statue Sitting on Rat Review

Lord Ganesh Brass Statue Sitting on Rat Feature

  • Brass sculpture of Ganesha
  • Size: 1.5 x 2.5 x 3 inches, Net Weight: 0.37 Kgs.
  • Keep it in your drawing room as a collectible
  • Made of brass from Uttar Pradesh in India
  • Enhance your home decoration with these collectibles
Lord Ganesh is the elephant-headed God, who is known as Lord of Beginnings and the Lord of Obstacles. He is regarded as the son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. The image of the Lord has four hands, elephant's head and a big belly. He is normally shown with one hand in the abhaya pose of protection and refuge and the second holding a sweet (modaka) symbolic of the sweetness of the realized inner self. In the two hands behind him he often holds an ankusha (elephant goad) and a pasha (noose). The noose is to convey that worldly attachments and desires are a noose. The goad is to prod man to the path of righteousness and truth. With this goad Ganesha can both strike and repel obstacles. His charioteer is a tiny mouse, which shows a unique combination of wisdom, intelligence and presence of mind. Lord Ganesh is worshipped before starting any new venture. In fact, his names and aarti are recited before starting any auspicious work, in order to achieve success in it.

God Ganesha statues are becoming favorite home decor product these days as they both look nice and bring in a spirit of optimism, wherever the statues are placed. Most of the people feel that there is a benefit of giving away only favors and gifts that are going to be kept and not thrown and Lord Ganesha statues are one of the perfect options available.

DakshCraft has Lord Ganesha statues in different postures and heart stealing appearances made in brass. These statues are the perfect and holy accessories for home decor. You can place Ganesh statues in your kitchen, bedrooms or living rooms. Even placing the statue or a small sculpture of Lord Ganesha in your home or office is supposed to be very auspicious for you, besides being an attractive decorative feature. Given this scenario a large number of people are buying artifacts which capture the grace and glory of Lord Ganesha.

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